
How Do You Approach Testing in Your Development Cycle?

How Do You Approach Testing in Your Development Cycle?

In the intricate dance of digital progress, every step must be precise, every rhythm flawless. Insights from industry leaders, such as a CEO and a Director, underscore the complexities and strategies involved in ensuring this precision. This article offers four insightful perspectives, beginning with the importance of continuous integration testing. These insights spotlight how deliberate, thoughtful testing can elevate a project from good to exemplary.

  • Use Continuous Integration Testing
  • Implement A Multi-Layered Approach
  • Test Iteratively and Collaboratively
  • Utilize A Mix Of Testing Methods

Use Continuous Integration Testing

My approach to testing during the development cycle is continuous, as opposed to isolated at the end of the project. By testing throughout the development cycle, I ensure that modifications to the code or different aspects of the project can be made before they escalate farther down the line.

An example of the testing approach I rely on is integration testing. This strategy checks how different modules of a project interact so that the system can function properly when combined. We use this testing method to integrate carrier APIs into our shipment-tracking platform. The testing process simulates calls to those APIs and verifies that responses are handled correctly.

Clooney Wang
Clooney WangCEO, TrackingMore

Implement A Multi-Layered Approach

In our software-development cycle, we approach testing through a comprehensive strategy that includes unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). This multi-layered approach ensures that every aspect of the application is validated, from individual components to the complete system experience.

For example, we recently worked on a mobile app where we implemented rigorous automated unit tests for the core functionalities and integration tests for the back-end services. During the integration-testing phase, we discovered a critical issue where data synchronization between the app and server was failing intermittently. This problem was not identified during unit testing but was crucial for user-data integrity. By addressing this issue early in the development cycle, we improved the app’s reliability and user experience, which led to a smoother launch and positive feedback from users. This experience underscored the importance of thorough testing and how it can prevent significant issues that impact the final product’s quality.

Shehar Yar
Shehar YarCEO, Software House

Test Iteratively and Collaboratively

When it comes to testing in our development cycle, we take an iterative and collaborative approach. Testing isn’t just a final checkbox; it’s baked into every phase of our workflow. From the get-go, our developers and QA teams work together to define testing requirements. We rely heavily on automated tests for continuous integration but also have manual testing for critical, user-facing features to ensure nothing gets missed.

One example that stands out is when we implemented load testing for a client’s e-commerce platform. Initially, the site was built and worked great during normal traffic. However, we ran load tests simulating heavy traffic spikes, and they revealed that the site would crash under peak holiday shopping demands. Thanks to those tests, we reworked the architecture to handle traffic surges without affecting user experience.

The key takeaway is early testing saved us from a potential disaster down the road. It reinforced how proactive testing—not reactive fixing—can prevent costly downtime and keep clients happy.

Vikrant Bhalodia
Vikrant BhalodiaHead of Marketing & People Ops, WeblineIndia, A Custom Software Development Company

Utilize A Mix Of Testing Methods

When it comes to front-end development, testing is key to ensuring a smooth, error-free user experience. One approach to testing includes a mix of unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end (E2E) testing, and data-driven testing with synthetic data.

1. Unit Testing

Unit tests focus on individual components, ensuring they behave correctly in isolation. Tools like Jest and React Testing Library help us verify if components render correctly and handle user interactions like button clicks or form submissions.

2. Integration Testing

With integration tests, we check how components work together. For example, ensuring that a dropdown correctly interacts with a form field or that submitting a form triggers the expected API call.

3. End-to-End Testing (E2E)

E2E testing simulates a user’s journey through the application. Tools like Cypress allow us to test user flows from start to finish, such as logging in, navigating pages, and submitting forms. This ensures the app works as expected in real-world scenarios.

4. Synthetic Data for Testing

To create realistic test scenarios, we use tools like Synthesized to generate synthetic data. This allows us to simulate different user behaviors and data inputs without relying on sensitive or real user data, making testing more robust and privacy-safe.


We worked with a customer who had a multi-step signup form that dynamically showed fields based on user input. While it worked fine in manual testing, mobile users reported issues when selecting specific dropdown options.

We wrote an end-to-end test using Cypress to simulate user interactions on mobile. To thoroughly test the form's behavior with various inputs, we used Synthesized to generate synthetic user profiles with different combinations of data (e.g., names, preferences).

This revealed a bug where the form's dropdown wasn't updating correctly on mobile due to a touch event issue. Using synthetic data allowed us to test a wider range of input combinations and edge cases than manual testing would allow.

Once the bug was fixed, we re-ran the tests and confirmed that the issue was resolved. After deploying the fix, the mobile signup process became more reliable, and conversion rates improved significantly.

Daniel Crowe
Daniel CroweDirector, Synthesized

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